588 research outputs found

    Economical comparison of CHP systems for industrial user with large steam demand

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    In this paper cogeneration benefits applied to a user with a high steam demand are analyzed. The methodology for the feasibility study and the economical analysis of the investment is presented under the Italian legislative framework. The methodology is applied to an actual case and a detailed description and discussion of all data input is provided. Especially this last key point will be faced using starting data usually available in these kind of studies (i.e., not very detailed for thermal consumption). Finally a comparison of different CHP technologies and a sensitivity analysis is done

    Relação de Projetos de Pesquisa: 2004-2008.

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    Java Enterprise Edition Support in Search-Based JUnit Test Generation.

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    Many different techniques and tools for automated unit test generation target the Java programming languages due to its popularity. However, a lot of Java’s popularity is due to its usage to develop enterprise applications with frameworks such as Java Enterprise Edition (JEE) or Spring. These frameworks pose challenges to the automatic generation of JUnit tests. In particular, code units (“beans”) are handled by external web containers (e.g., WildFly and GlassFish). Without considering how web containers initialize these beans, automatically generated unit tests would not represent valid scenarios and would be of little use. For example, common issues of bean initialization are dependency injection, database connection, and JNDI bean lookup. In this paper, we extend the EvoSuite search-based JUnit test generation tool to provide initial support for JEE applications. Experiments on 247 classes (the JBoss EAP tutorial examples) reveal an increase in code coverage, and demonstrate that our techniques prevent the generation of useless tests (e.g., tests where dependencies are not injected)

    Clinical and radiological outcomes of novel digital workflow and dynamic navigation for single-implant immediate loading in aesthetic zone: 1-year prospective case series

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    Objectives To evaluate clinical, radiological performance of novel digital workflow integrating dynamic navigation to streamline in one-visit single-implant immediate loading in aesthetic zone. Material and methods Consecutive patients requiring one single-implant in aesthetic zone of both jaws were treated between May and September 2017. Primary outcomes were implant and prosthetic success rates, surgical and prosthetic complications, marginal bone loss (MBL), final pink aesthetic score (PES-f), and implant stability quotient (ISQ-f). Secondary outcomes were ISQ-0 and PES-0 at implant positioning and PES-p at definitive prosthesis placement. Potential effect of jaw (maxilla vs mandible), biotype (thin vs thick), type of incision (flap vs flapless), and implant site (healed vs. post-extractive) on the primary outcomes (MBL, PES-f, and ISQ-f) was evaluated through a multivariable analysis. Results Fifty-two implants were placed (follow-up 18.6, 15-20 months). One post-extractive implant failed. No other surgical, biological complications occurred, accounting for 98.10% cumulative success rate (CSR). No definitive prostheses failed. Mean MBL was -0.63 +/- 0.25 mm (-1.69 to -0.06). PES-f was 12.34 +/- 1.41 (9-14). ISQ-f was 78.1 +/- 3.2 (70-84). Age had significantly negative effect on MBL and PES-f (p = .0058 and p = .0052). No other variables significantly affected primary outcomes. Conclusions Within study limitations, investigated digital workflow integrating dynamic navigation was reliable for single-implant immediate loading in aesthetic zone in one visit. No statistically significant difference was found for MBL, PES-f, and ISQ-f, considering type of incision (flap vs. flapless), implant site (healed vs post-extractive), jaw (maxilla vs. mandible), and biotype (thick vs. thin). Live-tracked dynamic navigation may have contributed to improve operator clinical performance regardless of implant site characteristics. Further investigations are needed to confirm positive outcomes

    Digital assisted soft tissue sculpturing (DASS) technique for immediate loading pink free complete arch implant prosthesis

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    Purpose: To introduce a digitally assisted technique to achieve the ideal soft and bone tissue interface for anatomic-driven pink free implant supported fixed prosthesis, and prefabricate an interim prosthesis to be used the day of the surgery as a prosthetic scaffold to condition the healing Methods: The digital assisted soft tissue sculpturing (DASS) technique allows the previsualization of the ideal soft and bone tissue interface and fabricate a computer aided design computer aided manufacturing (CAD-CAM) anatomic-driven pink free complete arch interim prosthesis for the immediate loading. Bone and soft tissue interface as well as the interim prosthesis design are performed in a segmented multiple standard tessellation language (STL) file embedding the bone anatomy, the intraoral surface anatomy (dental and soft tissue), the digital wax-up and the implant positioning. The interim prosthesis is used as a prosthetic scaffold to guide the soft and bone tissue surgical sculpturing and regeneration.Conclusions: The DASS technique is a predictable integrated digital workflow that simplifies the achievement of a scalloped tissue interface for pink free fixed implant prosthesis, reestablishing the mucosal dimension required for the protection of underlying bone while maintaining tissue health. The surgical sculpturing and maturation of the soft and bone tissue is driven and enhanced by the xenogeneic collagen matrix grafting and prosthetic scaffold effect of the digitally prefabricated interim prosthesis delivered the day of the surgery

    Long-term survival and success of zirconia screw-retained implant-supported prostheses for up to 12 years: a retrospective multicenter study

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    Statement of problem: Despite the broad clinical application of zirconia for fixed implant-supported prostheses, evidence of long-term performance is sparse. Purpose: The purpose of this retrospective study was to evaluate the long-term clinical and radiographic outcomes of zirconia-based partial and complete screw-retained implant-supported zirconia fixed dental prostheses (ISZFDPs). Material and methods: Records of patients treated with dental implants and ISZFDPs between December 2004 and June 2017 were screened. Eligible study participants, according to inclusion criteria, were contacted and invited to undergo clinical and radiographic examinations. Outcomes were evaluated as implant and prosthetic survival rates, prosthetic success rate, complications, marginal bone level (MBL) change, and soft tissue condition. Along with the effects of zirconia prosthesis type and level, the effects of implant type and connection, type of loading, and follow-up on MBL were tested with a generalized linear effects model (GLEM) (α=.05). Results: A total of 118 patients were identified, of whom 20 (16.9%) were not available for clinical examination for various reasons. Ninety-eight participants (mean age 60.7 ±11.7 years) with 337 implants were included, of which 176 (52.2%) had been immediately loaded. A total of 111 ISZFDPs (96 zirconia connection and 15 titanium base) were investigated: 24 complete ISZFDPs with a zirconia connection (12.9 ±0.97 dental units, minimum 12, maximum 14), 72 partial with a zirconia connection (3.11 ±1.12, minimum 2, maximum 7), 15 partial with a titanium base (3.62 ±1.02, minimum 2, maximum 5). Forty ISZFDPs had been in function for ≥10 years (36%), 38 for 5 to 9 years (34.2%), and 33 for 2 to 4 years (22.8%). The mean follow-up time was 7.2 ±3.4 years. No zirconia fractures were identified. Two implants and 2 ISZFDPs failed, with chipping being the most common complication (13.5%). The implant survival rate was 99.4%, and the prosthetic survival rate was 98.2%. The cumulative prosthetic success rate was 91.9%. MBL change was -0.18 ±0.59 mm. Thirteen implants were treated for peri-implantitis (3.8%), and 9 for mucositis (2.7%), but presented healthy peri-implant soft tissues at the follow-up examination. A significant difference was found between the implant-level and abutment-level prostheses (P=.013), with less marginal bone loss observed in ISZFDPs delivered at the implant level. Conclusions: Zirconia-based screw-retained implant-supported prosthesis can be considered a reliable long-term treatment option for partial and complete edentulism. No zirconia fractures were experienced. Stable bone levels and low peri-implantitis rates were reported regardless of the ISZFDP type and level, implant type and connection, and type of loading

    Anti-Listeria activity of lactic acid bacteria in two traditional Sicilian cheeses

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    Listeria monocytogenes is a pathogen frequently found in dairy products, and its growth is difficult to control. Bacteriocin-like inhibitory substances (BLIS), produced by lactic acid bacteria (LAB), having proven in vitro anti-Listeria activity, could provide an innovative approach to control L. monocytogenes; however, this application needs to be evaluated in vivo. In this study, twenty LAB strains isolated from different Sicilian dairy environments were tested for control of growth of L. monocytogenes in three different experimental trials. First, raw and UHT milk were inoculated with LAB strains alone, and LAB strains mixed with L. monocytogenes. Second, mini-cheeses containing LAB and/or L. monocytogenes were produced. Third, two traditional Sicilian cheeses inoculated with a multi-strain LAB mixture combined with L. monocytogenes were produced. The addition of BLIS produced by LAB to milk and in mini-cheese production was unable to inhibit the growth of L. monocytogenes. However, an anti-Listeria effect was observed in the Pecorino Siciliano cheeses, where, after 15 days of ripening, the cheeses with added LAB had fewer L. monocytogenes compared to the control cheeses with no added LAB, while in the Vastedda della valle del Bel\uecce cheeses, the multi-strain LAB mixture completely prevented the growth of L. monocytogenes